My German Shepherd





Here is a short record about my German Shepherd “DaoDao”, meaning “blade” in English. 


This first picture was taken when he was 2-month old. At that time, he was still stumbling in walking, because his two back legs lacked the strength to support his entire body. 





So after, he became  5-month old, which let me assume he was a 5-year-old child according to whatever online scientific article. He started to look like a German shepherd rather than an “invisible puppy in-the-dark”. His power and strength had grown tremendously that I merely fight an even with him.





Now, he’s already 1-year old. He becomes a real “aggressive” dog and keeps everybody away simply because of his figure. Even though he just tries to have fun with you, his behaviors can easily get someone hurt. But anyway he is still very lovely in my eyes, and at least every time I hand over a snack to him he will always carefully bite it to avoid hurting my fingers. 




The most surprised thing to me is that even we’ve been separated for a year he can still remember me. So English does not lie that dog is human’s best friend, and he will always remember you.

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This is a kitty I get known from someone’s Facebook. He was taken home by his new master from a cats refuge and he was only 3 months at that time. Also, he was stretching his body when the picture was being taken. But all those I just mentioned above are not my point, and the most impressed thing about him is his Hitler mustache, making him look so hilarious and adorable.

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